What is a Laker Card?

Laker Cards are used to recognize students who model and exhibit the positive qualities Lake Region Middle School has identified as being the personal characteristics we want our students to embody in their academic and social experience at LRMS.

What is a Laker Card?

Those qualities include being respectful, responsible, safe, and kind. When students are observed modeling one or more of these values, they receive a Laker Card.

What is a Laker Card?

The middle school teams recognize their respective students regularly, and the office draws two Laker Cards every Friday to recognize two students at the whole school level. Those students' whose card is drawn receive a reward to acknowledge his or her positive behavior and contribution to the school culture we seek to promote.

What is a Laker Card?

Lake Cards represent what it means to be a "New Laker", and they are one of many aspects of our PBIS school.