IMPORTANT NOTE: All students must participate in a yearly training with a parent/ guardian.
Each year parents/guardians and their students need to attend a meeting to ensure that they understand the school policies and responsibilities of using and taking home the MLTI laptops. At these meetings, you are asked to sign an agreement giving your student permission to take the laptop home.
Most years, we are able to offer an “Online” version of the annual family orientation. The online training version can be found in the parents Infinite Campus account. Near the bottom of the page, there is a link for the online training.
No laptops can be taken home without the following: • You and your student must participate in a training session together. (Either online or Face to Face) • All students and parents must sign off on the MSAD 61 MLTI Sign out form to confirm you and your student will adhere to MSAD 61 policies and procedures in regards to computer use throughout the school year.